Natas Web CTF

islam ahmed
15 min readDec 16, 2020

I will share my knowledge and how to think not just solve CTF you can find the challenges at this link:

When you start it will give you an overview about the CTF and first credentials

We need to understand website technology we can do it with wappalyzer plugin or whatweb command

But not show which programming languages to discover it we can add index.html to the url then replace it with index.php or index.asp to detect programming language

we can identify os from ttl in Linux 64 and in windows 128 and ios 255

for more info check this:

or we can use p0f tool or nmap with -o parameter

but firewall can detect the scan and edit in ttl or block attacker ip

there many ways to bypass it :

  1. Fragmentation :

just split packet to smaller packets Notice that instead of using -f , we can use — mtu to specify a custom offset size. It is important to know that the offset must be a multiple of

2. Decoys :

spoof many ip’s and scan with it and WAF can’t know which of them the real ip to block it but we can’t use os detection with this option

3. Timing :

To perform a timing scan with Nmap from T0 to T5

4. Source ports:

there is common misconfiguration in firewall that trust traffic coming from specific ports, such as 53 (DNS replies) or 20 (active FTP).
We can then simply change our source port

5. data-length :

firewall know nmap packet data-length is 40 ,so we can change it to any value

for more info :

Most time Apache server work with php

First thing i notify it use HTTP basic authentication

We can use this module from Metasploit to brute force it :


Here a Multiple Ways To Exploiting HTTP Authentication:

But there is many ways to stop brute force :

  1. rate limit

We can bypass it with:

A. change user agent or ip we can use IP-Rotate Burp extension

B. add this (%00, %0d%0a, %09, %0C, %20, %0) at the end of email

C. use this headers:





2. captcha is a test which used to ensure the response is not generated automatically but we can bypass it

A. Submit the form without CAPTCHA

B. Try adding some String of the same length

C. Do not refresh CAPTCHA image and guess the same CAPTCHA forever

D. Enter CAPTCHA once,use it forever

3. cloudflare the request will send to it before the real server to prevent any thing malicious but we can but we can get the real ip of the server using Crimeflar or Censys and send the request directly to it

4. WAF like modsecurity we can discover which waf used with wafwoof tool and search how to bypass it or use nmap nse script example:

namp — script=http-waf-fingerprint -p 80

5. Account lockout prevent access for a few minutes using sleep() function but the disadvantages prevent real user not hacker only

6. Generate anti CSRF token and check them for every request but we can bypass it with burp macros to get CSRF token you can find more info here :

This is bad way to protect important pages because it use base64 and we can decode it .

And if attacker in internal network he can make mitm attack and sniffing and he can see our credentials by using ssl stripe to downgrade website from https to http , they solve this problem with adding HSTS header

but attacker can bypass this header using ssl stripe v2 it edit in doamin name to bypass HSTS header you can search about it .

We start with Level 1 :

Sometime developer while they building production they add credentials in comments to share it with each other and forget to remove it after they finish build the production , so if we check page source code (Ctrl+u) we will find the credentials

Let’s check Level 2 :

I check the source code but no thing interesting

Then i am checked js files sometimes it has tokens or hardcoded credentials but no thing interesting

Then i check the image sometimes it have something secret on it but no thing interesting

But when i open image path i found some thing interesting the path of image i discover directory called files

lets check it

users file has the credentials

we can check for website directory with dirb if we not notify files directory

we can check txt file of target website with google dork : filetype:txt

level 3 :

let’s check source code we will find something interesting about google

google use robots.txt to know which path allow to crawl to make indexing for ranking the website if the user try to search about something to show this website you can search about robots.txt in google for more info and to prevent google make index you can use :

<meta name=”robots” content=“noindex,nofollow”>

to prevent google caching the website add this headers :

Cache-control: no-store
Pragma: no-cache

lets check s3cr3t path and we will find the credentials

level 4 :

It check for referer header for authorization , we can change it with burp

sometimes from the request come from localhost ( with




It will show secret data and sometimes we use HTTP Request Smugglerwith burp you can find it here :

or python tool called Smuggler you can find it here :

it use get and post in same request and to prevent http smuggling there is 2 ways :

  1. use http v2
  2. make the server don’t accept resume the request

It work

Level 5 :

if we check cookie with burp

we will find it depend on login parameter ,we can change it from 0 to 1 and it work

let’s talk about cookie and session security :

  1. HTTP_ONLY : to access cookie from http protocol this to prevent stealing cookie with xss
  2. Secure Flag : to send it in https only
  3. life time : it will expire after this time
  4. Domain : to access it from specific domain or subdoamin
  5. timeToLive: to update it after every time
  6. sessionusecookies=1 : to store session on cookie (developer can store session in url or hidden input but this dangreous)
  7. Cipher_algo= MCRYPT_BLOWFISH : it will encrypt session file content in the server with algorithm MCRYPT_BLOWFISH i think this algorithm is very good
  8. session_use_stric_mode=1 : to prevent session fixation

You can learn more here :

level 6:

First thing come to my mind try sql injection , i am try it Manual ,but no successful , so i am searched about sql injection query to bypass authentication

then i used burp intuder and i am check for the length ,but not worked

then i am try to analyze source code and i find it include another file

then i am check for this file includes another file called let’s check it

and it work

developer must remove tokens and credentials or any thing secret from files

Level 7:

Let’s check source code

we notify page parameter let’s change value from home to hint path

Level 8 :

let’s check source code

first it encode the input with base64 then reverse it then make it as hex

let’s reverse this operation

it work

Level 9 :

After check source code i notify no filter for input

we can try code injection with this characters [| , ; , & ] it can perform more than 1 command in same time or use commix tool to automate all this and it can detect blind code injection you can find it here :

let’s check for password path

To prevent code execution use escapeshellarg() or escapeshellcmd()

you can use whitelist but this can lead to false positive

Level 10 :

After we check for source code we can see [| , ; , & ] in black list

But we can use grep command we can perform search in more than 1 file

we use “u” as a part of password

Level 11:

Let’s check source code

LoadData function decode the cookie as base64 then make xor encryption then make json decode

in saveData function it encode the data as json then xor encyption then base64 encode

First we need to know: plaintext xor ciphertext = key

let’s use xor_encrypt() from source code to get the key “plaintext xor ciphertext = key” but Default data needs to be json encoded as the key

now we have the key let’s use it

we change cookie data with burp

Level 12:

There is many techniques to bypass file upload filter , sometimes filter work client side we can bypass it with burp edit image extension to php or check for image size or image magic byte ,so the best way to make filter on server side

Some web servers like apache accept files with double extensions, so we can make file like this shell.php.jpg

or use null byte shell.php%00.jpg it work only in old version of php it will read file tell shellp.php and ignore the other part

After check the source code we see it rename the image with random value then add jpg extension

we can add malicious code to a file jpg

then change the extension to php from console

Level 13 :

Is the same idea but use file function to check if it image or not we can bypass it with magic byte with exiftool

here 15 way to bypass file upload :


To prevent file upload vulnerability we need to do like challenge but add

  1. make permission read only to uploaded file, so if attacker know the file path he can only read the file and can not execute it
  2. make antivirus in the server and scan the uploaded file with it ex: clamscan or get virustotal API to scan image and get the result
  3. check the integrity by make md5 for file upload name and content in client side and server side if the value not identical
  4. The file name it should to be changed to some thing random and can not guessed

level 14:

It a basic sql injection we need to complete the query to become true

Level 15:

when i try a it give me invalid user but when i am try (“or”1”=”1) it give me valid user ,so it boolean base

we can use sqlmap to automate all of this and not just bypass authentication we can System Takeover using SQLi with webshell to get RCE using :

“INTO OUTFILE” to write the shell on the server but this only work if you have permission to write and sqlmal can help us to do this
SQLmap features for system takeover:
— os-cmd
— os-shell
— os-pwn
— os-bof
— priv-esc
— msd-path=MSFPATH

sqlmap will search about writable path to write simple file upload (asp,php depen on what language in server) to upload shells then it use msf to
create shell then upload this shell to the server then make multi handler to get connection with the shell

to prevent sql injection there is 3 ways :

  1. Sanitize input then concat into query
  2. Parameterized query
  3. stored procedure

And this is the best way

Level 16:

After check source code it’s code injection it use filter like others Level but put ($) in blacklist ,so we can use it

African$(grep a /etc/natas_webpass/natas17)

if output empty this mean this char part of key and if show African this mean this char not from the key

Level 17:

it’s a blind sql injection time base

we can use benchmark() if sleep() in black list

Level 18:

After check the source code it depend on cookie number we can brute force it with burp intruder

Level 19:

It took a long time from but i can’t solve it and no source code to understand what happen ,so i am checked this writeup :

He is played around PHPSESSID he discovered (2d) not changed and other hex changed , so he brute force every thing before 2d
to discover which one belong to admin

Level 21 :

After check source code it check for admin value if it 1 and use Request method and apply filter on post() ,so we can
change admin value to 1 then change request from post to get with burp
to prevent this don’t use Request method because it accept GET and POST ,so attacker can bypass your filter by change request

if this a rest password page we can try HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP) Attack by adding another parameter with the same name and check the server accept which one some times accept the 2 parameter and some times accept just the second parameter and if this parameter for email we can make account takeover with this for more info you can check this :

and here many ways to make account takeover :

Level 22 :

It’s simple after check source code it check for revelio if exist or not
attacker can use tools like JSParser from nahamsec to check code and discover hidden endpoints you can find it here :

so keep your endpoints hidden as you can because attacker can discover new bugs from it

Level 23 :

It’s so easy just check if string iloveyou and lenght greater then 10 ,so we can use 123iloveyou it will translate it as string

Level 24 :

After check source code it use strcmp() This is the continuation of PHP vulnerabilities you can check this link for more info :

we can send passwd link as an array and it will bypass the validation like this :[]=passwd

Level 25:

it’s vulnarble to local file Disclu ….//….//….//….//etc/hosts
you can try this payloads from paylload all thing with burp intruder

to prevent this vulnarbilty we can use scandir() then check if page included in this array or not :
$page=scandir(‘config’); //return 0=>. 1=>.. 3=>test
if(isset($_GET[‘page’])&& in_array($_GET[‘page’].$page)){

another way:

$allowed= array(‘’, ‘page2.php’)
if(isset($_GET[‘page’])&& in_array($_GET[‘page’].$allowed)){

we can use .htaccess file to prevent attacker see sensitve files it will show him Access Forbidden

some developers make
include (‘config’.$_GET[‘page’],’.php’)
if the attacker want file like /etc/passwd it will add .php at the end like /etc/passwd.php so this will not work becouse no file has this name
but hacker bypass it with null %00 .php added after null so not work ex: /etc/passwd%00.php it will be /etc/passwd but null stope after php5.4

